Analyzes urchin logs

I wrote perl for the first time. This is analyze logs of urchin if you input IP address what would know user action
Result is url, it was seen pages and all of pages which user has seen it. Perl is useful when I have to spot job. Please you don't worry about strange variable names

@file = <IN>;
$len = $#file;
$ip = "input IP address area";

sub search_q
    my ($moji) =@_;
    my $findit = index($moji,"http://www\.go-baaan\.com/");
    if($findit >= 0){
      $findit = 0;
    return $findit;

sub read_data
    my ($all_len,$startline) =@_;
    if($startline != 0){
      my $slice = substr($all_len,$startline-2);
      return $slice;

sub accessed
   my (@biji) =@_;
   my %co;
   my @aroro = grep{!$co{$_}++} @biji;
   return @aroro;

    while($len > 0)
      @list = split(/ /,@file[$len]);
      if(@list[0] eq $ip){
         $s_num = &search_q(@file[$len]);
         $kita = &read_data(@file[$len],$s_num);
         @wake = split(/\"/,$kita);
     @urls = &accessed(@mora);
     $saw = $#urls;

for($i = 0;$i<=$saw;$i++){
print @urls[$i]."\n";
print $ip." saw ".$saw." pages.All of ".$pages." pages";