Crawling web site

I wrote script to crawl web site by perl. It would collect A tag of html and repeat access in site to move another web site. But I can not understand reflexive, so it is inefficient. I have the second time to write perl script. This script has limitation. Only access is html files that .html extension, and the load is put to server. Last it will put out file that write A tag of html.

use strict;
use warnings;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use Encode;
use utf8;

my $long_url = "";
my $short_url = "";

sub read_url
  my ($url) = @_;
  my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
  my $res = $ua->get($url);
  my $content = $res->content;
  $content = Encode::decode("utf8", $content );
  my @match_tag = $content =~ /<a href.*?>.*?<\/a>/gm;
  return @match_tag;

sub next_line
  my (@x) = @_;
  foreach my $i(@x){
    $i = $i."\n";
    return $i;

sub write_data
  my (@x) = @_;
  my @plaha;
  foreach my $i(@x){
    $i = $i."\n";
    return @plaha;

sub read_f
  my ($name) = @_;
  my @file = <IN>;
  return @file;

sub get_an
  my (@url_obj) = @_;
  my @end_list = ("html");
  my @search_list;
  for(my $j = 0;$j<$#url_obj;$j++){
     for(my $i=0;$i<=$#end_list;$i++){
        if($url_obj[$j]=~ /.*?$end_list[$i]/){
          my $much_obj =  &regula($url_obj[$j],$end_list[$i]);
  return @search_list;

sub regula
  my ($target,$word) = @_;
  my @much = $target =~ /".*?$word/gm;
  my $r = &next_line(@much);
  return $r;

sub dele
  my ($obj,@num) = @_;
  my @dele_list;
  for(my $g = 0;$g<$#num;$g++){
  return @dele_list;

sub marge
  my (@array) = @_;
  my %count;
  @array = grep {!$count{$_}++} @array;
  return @array;

sub rewrite_url
  my ($url,$short_u) = @_;
  my $check_connashi = index($url,"/");
  my $check_conma = index($url,"..");
  my $check_conma_ni = index($url,"../../");
  my $check_conma_san = index($url,"../../../");

  if($check_connashi !=-1){
    $url =~ s/\//http:\/\/$short_u\/;

  if($check_conma !=-1){
    $url =~ s/../http:\/\/$short_u/;
  }elsif($check_conma_ni !=-1){
    $url =~ s/..\/../http:\/\/$short_u/;
  }elsif($check_conma_san !=-1){
    $url =~ s/..\/..\/../http:\/\/$short_u/;
  return $url;

sub main
  my $resul;
  if(-f "data.txt"){
    my @file_obj = &read_f("data.txt");

      my @much_it = &get_an(@file_obj);
      my @clean = &dele("\"",@much_it);
      my @diffe = &marge(@clean);

      for(my $i = 0;$i<$#diffe;$i++){
         my $get_add = &rewrite_url($diffe[$i],$short_url);
         my @crawl = &read_url($get_add);
         print @crawl;
         open(OUT,">> data.txt");
         print OUT&write_data(@crawl);
    $resul = "add";
       my @crawl = &read_url($long_url);
       open(OUT,"> data.txt");
       print OUT&write_data(@crawl);
       $resul = "new";
       return $resul;
  return $resul;

print &main();