I wrote script to crawl web site by perl. It would collect A tag of html and repeat access in site to move another web site. But I can not understand reflexive, so it is inefficient. I have the second time to write perl script. This script…
I installed ProFTPD on home server which runs ubuntu. It will not remember, because I write in this article. For somebody else who want to install it. It is easy to install it, and only rewrite default configuration file. First step, To in…
I wrote program which XML change to JSON. Your work what change XML format to JSON format will easy! Example, there is this XML about several shop data. <shopdata> <info> <shopname>おいしい肉屋</shopname> <yomi>おいしいにくや</yomi> <address>市内</address> <business_hours>10…</business_hours></info></shopdata>
When this season was coming for every year, Someone write this code. for i in range(1,11): if i == 10: for j in range(1,11): print " "*(i-j)+"**"*j if j == 2: print " "*(i-j)+"+*"*j if j == 4: print " "*(i-j)+"*+"*j if j == 6: print " "*(i…