This is the tests use the unittest module. I use it for the first time. example... # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import unittest class Mytest(unittest.TestCase): def testCom(self): self.m= 34 self.assert_(self.m == 34) def kake(self,a,b): return…
デバッグ時にまじ使えそう! $hello = "hi!php" if ($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] == '***.***.***.**'){ var_dump($hello); } 自分のIPアドレスだけを対象になんか処理するときに便利。
#include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> int arr[][3] = { {1,1,1}, {2,4,8}, {3,6,9}, {4,16,64}, {5,25,125}, {6,36,216}, {7,49,343}, {8,64,512}, {9,81,729}, {10,100,1000} }; int num; int i; int main(void){ printf("値をいれて"); scanf("%d",&num); for(i=0;i<10;i++)</string.h></stdio.h>…
var li = []; li.push({1:"aa",2:"rr"}); li.forEach(function(options){ console.log(options[1]); console.log(options[2]); } ); forEach関数内の関数に引数を渡せば対象オブジェクトの内容を参照できる? var li = []; li.push({1:"aa",2:"rr"}); li.for…